dark history of the popes

Ieri pana sa inceapa filmele la mall am dat o tura cu piticul din dotare pe la Diverta sa mai belim ochii sa treaca timpul. Si plimbandu-ma io prin raionul de carti straine am gasit o carte mare si care arata frumos pe dinafara care se cheama “Dark history of the popes”. Un sumar mic, ca inca n-am citit cartea:

Formosus (891-896): The rotting corpse of Formosus was dug up, put on trial by his successor, and thrown into the Tiber river – twice.

John XII (955-964): Not content with running a brothel at the Vatican, John XII blinded one cardinal and castrated another, and was said to have drunk toasts to the Devil in an alcoholic stupor.

Innocent III (1198-1216): Instigator of the Abligensian Crusade against the Cathar heretics, Innocent III was responsible for the deaths of up to one million people over a twenty year period.

Alexander VI(1492-1503): Alexander VI fathered eight children by three or four mistresses. He bribed his way to the papacy, appointed his relatives as cardinals, and ammased a vast fortune.

Asta ultimul cre’ca era roman, ca prea suna cunoscuta metoda. Cand o sa am timp, o sa ma apuc sa citesc sa vad ce fapte “dumnezeisti” au facut papii catolicilor in care sute de milioane de oameni cred ca’s puri si vor numai binele din lume. Cu ocazia asta o sa inaugurez un nou tag pe blog, si anume: muisti. Ca parca lipsea ceva cand scriam despre popi (de tot felul) pe blog. Stay tuned!

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